Osmonds Pre-Tupping + Pre & Post Lambing Drench

Availability: Out of stock
Pre-Tupping + Pre & Post Lambing Drench

A highly concentrated Vitamin, Trace Element and Chelated Mineral Supplement for sheep and goats. 

Specifically formulated to help improve condition prior to tupping, thus increasing fertilisation and ovulation rate, and helping to produce healthy, well developed offspring by ensuring vitamins and minerals are available at the correct levels. 

Formulated on an emulsified base, providing a fast and efficient route for administration and absorption, providing good palatability and easy acceptance. 

By including all round higher levels of nutrients than similar products and recommending drenching every 4-6 weeks Pre-Tupping may help to maintain the wellbeing of ewes, lambs and tups, thus ensuring optimum performance. 

Formulated to help tighten the lambing period.  


Sheep 15 - 25ml depending on size
Tups 20 - 30ml depending on size
Lambs (by bodyweight)
8 - 14kg 5ml
15 - 24kg 10ml
25kg + 20ml
Drench lambs every 6 weeks

PRE-TUPPING EWES - Drench 7-10 days before putting Tup in
TUPS - Drench every 7 days during the season
PRE & POST LAMBING EWES - Drench 4-6 weeks before lambing and after lambing